After a night of tea and pocky fueled scribbling…

…I ended up with some fan art for the Wrightverse, the Lampverse, and the crossover Lampwrightverse. It felt good to put pencil to paper again and doodle, plus I’m finally satisfied with how I draw Meanie Montrose’s hair; it used to come out as this horrible, lumpy clump of scribbles.


Everyone’s favorite guitar playing, psychic bad boy


Erasmus turns the STAFF OF DECAY on a Rubric Marine. All is dust indeed.


Mephisto tries to call up Quentin just as Quentin is attempting to summon Mephistopheles. Confusion and warlockian bromance ensue.


Favorite line from my favorite character from PROSPERO IN HELL

"Curse you Blackie!!!"

Menelaus Montrose, Sir Guy, and Oenoe the Nymph

"Let no man waken He Who Waits, lest his wrath awaken!"

Sir Guy

Posted on October 5, 2013, in Fan Work and tagged , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 3 Comments.

  1. That’s really cool! As an official Fangirl of the Wrights it was delightful to see such amusing pictures, I especially liked Theo;-)

  1. Pingback: Welcome to the Wrightverse and the Lampverse | John C. Wright's Journal

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